Questions you might have..
What size are the Handy products and how much weight can they hold?
The Handy Learn is 900mm w x 540mm d x 720 mm h
Stay tuned for new Product Launches in new sizes - Handy Work and Handy Junior.
We do not recommend having a dance party on top or use it to hold your unused bowling ball collection…. The Handy Learn, can hold up to 40 kilos of weight (Evenly distributed).
Whilst it can hold a lot of weight, we would not recommend putting a heavy weight in the middle of desk as it may cause the desktop to sag.
The Handy Work is 1100 mm w x 600mm d x 720 mm h
Handy Work will easily support all your junk office essentials – but don’t go crazy, it’s a cardboard desk afterall – don’t go having a nap on it or using it as a step ladder to change that globe you’ve asked to be changed for the five millionth time.
The Handy Work, can hold up to 60 kilos of weight (Evenly distributed).
The Handy Laptop holder is 280mm w x 225mm d x 195mm h
It is most suitable for laptops and an iPad can be used to for viewing/use only – if you are wanting a holder that will allow you to facetime or zoom in an upright position (iPad or phone) stay tuned for a new product launching soon.
It has been tested with our Dad’s laptop which still runs windows 98, has a floppy disk drive and weighs in at about 10kg – so your fancy little skinny laptop will be fine.
How Durable is the material?
Handy Desks are made from a single material – Cardboard.
The carboard is 3BC board which is a double strength board with a dual wall construction.
It has excellent stacking strength and is often used for removal cartons.
The cardboard is made from 63% recycled content by a small business in Australia from local and imported ingredients.
The small amount of glue we use is called Ultramelt 9030 Glue Stick which is a hot melt adhesive.
See “How do I care for my desk” and “How long will my desk last” below for further information.
MSDS can be provided on request.
How long will it take for me to receive my order and what’s your return policy?
Please refer to our Shipping & Returns section of our website.
Due to current National delays (which are annoying but out of our control) - Your order may not arrive within our normal shipping window – but we thank you for your understanding in what is a challenging time for all of us.
Please contact us if you are having any issues or have further questions.
Is there a pickup option for delivery?
If you are in Melbourne, then YES, we do! We are based in Surrey Hills and will supply you the details when you order. You can select pick-up as an option during the check-out process.
If you have Pre Ordered a new product - Please follow any dates given on the individual products.
We will be sending out pick up times and implementing social distancing measures for this time, so please feel safe in knowing we have your safety is front of mind for pick up.
We look forward to seeing you – at a distance of course!
Can I order parts separately?
So you want some extra tops to colour in or a spare Polypropylene top?
We are currently working on separating these items out and will have them all up and running by week commencing 20th of April.
So you can add some extra activities to your order!
How do I put my Handy Learn together?
No divorces, big fights or missing screws required… Or even the Allen key you aren’t quite sure what way to turn… Handy Desk comes with a simple 6 step instruction sheet. So you have lost misplaced your instructions? NEVER FEAR!
Downloadable PDF will be available here
Ok so we hear you, you HATE to read instructions, we’ve got you covered!
Video instructions are below
How long will my desk last?
This is no heirloom that will be handed down for generations, that you fight your sister for when your mum wants to get rid of it.
The Handy Desk was designed as a temporary solution to hopefully a temporary problem. If you look after your handy desk you will get many uses out of it, please see care information below. If you are worried about potential spillages, we would suggest purchasing a polypropylene top.
How do I care for my desk?
The Handy Desk was not intended to be used on a slip and slide or taken to the beach in the esky. Try to keep water and moisture away from the cardboard wherever possible.
If you'd like to be able to wipe the desktop down because you are worried about spillages, we would suggest purchasing the optional Polypropylene top.
We would also advise avoiding leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods or be exposed to changes in humidity... But if you need to lock the little rascals outside for a few mins (hours) you should be fine.
See “How do I care for my desk” and “How long will my desk last” below for further information.
Cardboard, like wood, fabric or paper is a combustible material. Please use common sense and keep away from any sources of heat.
Please be mindful about any devices or overheated devices that generate excess heat. Standard use will be ok - but please be sure to take regular breaks to avoid overheating.
What do I do if I don’t need my handy products anymore?
When you are finished with your handy desk you can dismantle it and squeeze it in under the bed or in the cupboard behind your impressive coat collection. If you can, keep the box as it will keep all the parts safe in one place and will avoid any bending or damage whilst being stored. When storing your Handy Desk we recommend again to not expose it to water, humidity or exposure to the sun.
Don’t forget you could also put a sheet over the top and turn it into a cardboard cubby or prison.
As a last resort if you do have no use or space for the Handy Desk then you can put it in the recycling or compost bin.
Are there any other products from Handy?
I want to make a large order for my school or workplace – Can you help?
Of course – we can supply you with a quotation on the quantities you require.
Just email us at info@handydesk.com.au
I’m a retailer and I want to stock your products?
GREAT! We would love to hear from you. Please contact us on info@handydesk.com.au